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permit to work

Permit to Work: Types, Requirements, System, Cost, and Benefits

Permit to work is a fundamental process in any construction and industrial environment. Thanks to this system, dangerous tasks can be done in a safe and controlled manner. From prior authorization to real-time supervision, that is, permit to work is essential to prevent accidents. In other words, to protect employees from any incident. That is why you have to know everything about what is permitted to work, especially if you have a company in those sectors.

In this article, we will analyze in detail the key information of the permit to work system. From how the system works to the associated benefits. At first, you will see a description of the types of permit to work and why their implementation is important. In addition, we will discover the tangible benefits, that is, the reduction of accidents and improved efficiency, as well as the costs associated with its implementation and maintenance. If you are interested in improving workplace safety management with PTW, just keep reading.

What is Permit to Work?

permit to work

Knowing what is permit to work system is very simple, in short, it is a special authorization documentation. Its purpose is to guarantee access to the corresponding risk for the process. In addition, ensuring the establishment of a level of control to reduce the severity, probability, and potential of an incident occurring.

It is important to note that this system may be one of regulatory requirements, company policies, or general best practices. Everything will depend on the area and sector in which the company operates. Generally, this can be part of a systematic approach to managing risk through authorization.

Simply put, a permit to work system is a process for keeping employees safe during non-standard operations. That is, evaluate the risks, and establish a competent security protocol according to the risks and good communication during the process.

A PTW system is intended to mitigate health, environmental, sustainability, and safety risks in specific operations.

Initially, the PTW system entails an identification of risks and dangerous areas and practices within the company. Additionally, it includes identifying the scope of the risks and the work involved.

On the other hand, these systems involve designating authorized people to carry out dangerous tasks.

In summary, the work permit system is part of the entire process. It indeed begins with identifying hazards; it also involves training employees. To do this, periodic briefings are usually used. Part of the process includes establishing protocols and monitoring the PTW system.

All of this works to ensure that the company is doing its job of keeping workers as safe as possible. Additionally, upon completion of the work, the permit form must be submitted to the security officer. The security officer’s obligation is to sign it and keep a record of the form.

Requirements for Obtaining a Permit to Work

Initially, you have to know that to obtain a permit to work you have to follow the following steps:

  • The first step is for employees to receive competent training and education. Thus, understanding of the risks involved in the work can be guaranteed. In addition to knowing the correct measures to mitigate them.
  • Before obtaining a work permit to perform work, employees are required to demonstrate their ability to perform work effectively and safely.
  • Finally, the manager has to determine whether the work is absolutely necessary because if not, it is better to avoid the risk altogether.

This is why documentation and reporting are needed for a work permit system. This way, the security team can be aware of all the work. In addition, verify if everyone is working in accordance with the company’s safety practices and standards.

Training and Certification Requirements

The first requirement to be able to obtain a permit to work is to undergo training and seek certifications. In principle, companies have to be aware of the rules regarding hazardous work activities.

Subsequently, it is time to undergo competent training to avoid dangerous job hazards. This training ensures that the duties and obligations under the law are understood.

This training will allow participants to evaluate the requirements of a specific job or task. As well as ensuring that work permit documentation is completed correctly.

In summary, the idea is that the employees who are going to carry out the dangerous activities are competent to do so safely.

Risk Assessment and Hazard Identification

The second step is to carry out risk assessments for work permits. It is important to mention that this will be done before starting each dangerous job. Below you will see a list of all the steps you need to follow to comply with the risk assessment.

  • Identify the work and hazards: To do this, the first step is to understand the activity, identify potential risks, and evaluate the likelihood of damage occurring. For example, when cleaning a roof, an associated hazard may be falls from heights.
  • Evaluate severity and probability: Probability is how likely the hazard is to occur. But, severity is the extent of the damage that can be suffered. Generally, both are usually measured from 1 to 4, with 1 being the lowest and 4 being the highest.
  • Take measures to reduce the risk: To do this, you can start by using controls by doing the work in different ways. It is even valid to decide not to do the work at all if an acceptable risk cannot be achieved.
  • Reassess the risk: After taking measures to reduce the risk, a risk assessment must be done again. This can determine whether the risk has been reduced to an acceptable level.
  • Apply corresponding actions: Depending on the level of risk, you have to take appropriate measures to control or eliminate the danger. For instance, danger signs can be placed so that the worker is warned.

Pre-Job Safety Meetings

After completing the risk assessment process, a specific pre-work safety meeting must be held for a work permit. To do this, you have to follow the following advice:

  • Planning: Initially, all the people involved in the task must be brought together. Subsequently, you have to make sure that everyone has the permit to work and understands the content.
  • Meeting agenda: To keep order you have to make a meeting agenda with all the points you want to comply with. Initially, you have to introduce the purpose of the meeting, i.e. to review the PTW and discuss the risks. They then have to discuss the specific risks associated with the task and how to resolve them.
  • Discussion: At this point, we must proceed to review the risks that are in the PTW. It is important to ensure that everyone understands the safety procedures and control measures.
  • Commitment: At the end, you have to ask the participants to sign the PTW as a sign of their commitment to safety. Additionally, you have to confirm that everyone is ready to start the task.

Approval processes

An efficient work permit and site access approval process is a vital component. Especially, in the workplace risk management strategy and ensure that it meets the following key workplace requirements:

  • Comply with compliance regulations with relevant national regulations.
  • Maintain an orderly and safe work environment.
  • Manage risks with unplanned or non-routine activities.

Documentation and Record-Keeping

All documentation regarding obtaining the work permit system must be recorded. In addition, it must be properly maintained to have that reference in the future due to the extension. This must include records of risk assessments, training certifications, updated procedures, and any relevant communications or correspondence.


Costs Associated with Permit to Work

Now you know more about why permit to work is required and what its importance is. Therefore, you must know what costs are associated with this very important permit. Below, you can see in more detail the fees that are associated with this permit.

Application Fees

The cost for issuing and renewing a PTW will vary according to the company’s classification. For this reason, these rates can be detailed as follows:

  • The initial PTW approval application costs AED 250 for all categories or levels.
  • Approval of a new ePTW:
  • Category 1: AED 300.
  • Category 2: level A 600 AED, level B 1,500 AED, and level C 2,000 AED.
  • Finally, category 3: AED 5,000.
  • For workers over 65 years of age, it is AED 5,000 in all categories.

It is important to note that these costs can change. Therefore, it is important that you check these fees when you apply.

Training Costs

The costs that are associated with training to obtain a PTW can change depending on the length of the course and the provider. Therefore, you should know these options:

  • 1-day course: There are providers who offer one-day PTW courses with a cost starting from AED 150.
  • 8-hour courses: there are other courses that last 8 hours and are more complete with costs that can reach 1,500 AED.

You must verify with the provider the cost and duration of the course. This way, you can get the most up-to-date information about a PTW course.

Equipment and PPE Costs

Safety equipment is important if you want to ensure safety in the workplace. For this reason, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) acts as a protective barrier between potential hazards at work and workers.

This security equipment can be divided into different types such as:

  • Head protection.
  • Eye and face protection.
  • Hearing protection.

Generally, these equipment can have different costs depending on the material, the manufacturer, and the size of the company. So, if you want top-quality materials, from a reputable manufacturer, and have few workers, be prepared to spend a little more.

However, the safety of your employees is something that is priceless. For this reason, you have to try to purchase the best equipment that your budget can afford. Also, keep in mind that companies often reduce the costs of their products when a large quantity of them is ordered.

Maintenance of PTW Systems

In order to guarantee safety in the workplace, the PTW system is used. However, maintenance, testing, repairs, construction, disassembly, and cleaning need to be applied to this.

Maintenance costs can vary depending on the type of equipment, frequency of maintenance, and the complexity of the tasks. Therefore, you should consider these factors:

  • The cost will change depending on the specific equipment that is involved.
  • The frequency of maintenance will also affect the cost. Therefore, you need to establish how often you are going to perform maintenance on your system.
  • Choosing a suitable service provider will help you reduce the cost or increase it. Therefore, study carefully the companies that perform this maintenance and what programs they offer in these cases.

By keeping these factors in mind, you will be able to get the best price when servicing your system.

Potential Costs of Non-Compliance

Failure to comply with the PTW in the UAE can have significant consequences. For this reason, all aspects related to non-compliance with the PTW are presented below:

In the UAE, authorities establish financial fines to encourage compliance. Furthermore, these fines can vary according to the severity of the non-compliance, and their punishment ranges between AED 1,000 and 50,000.

Failure to comply with PTW systems can put the health and safety of workers at risk. In this way, catastrophic industrial accidents can arise.

A lack of compliance can lead to disruptions in operations. Additionally, project delays may occur due to the lack of proper permits to perform certain tasks.

Companies that fail to comply with this may see a decrease in their reputation and trust from customers, employees, and stakeholders.

Therefore, complying with the proper permit to work procedure will help you avoid these consequences.


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